1. Of the following words in the Preamble of the constitution of India which was not inserted through the constitution (42nd Amendment) act, 1976?
- Socialist
- Security
- Dignity
- Integrity
2. Which Amendment Act introduced change in the Preamble to the Indian constitution?
- The 38th Amendment Act ,1975
- The 40th Amendment Act, 1976
- The 42nd Amendment Act, 1976
- The 44th Amendment Act,1979
3. Which of the following parts of the constitution cannot be amended by a simple majority?
- Creation of new state
- Process of the election of President
- Official language of the union states
- Provision of Quorum
4.By which Amendment Act of the Constitution of India was the Directive Principal of the state Policy given precedence over the Fundamental Rights wherever they come in to conflict?
- 40th
- 42nd
- 44th
- 46th
5. Point out the difference between the local government in India before and after the constitutional Amendment in 1992
1.It has becomes mandatory to hold regular elections to the local government bodies
2.1/3rd positions are reserved for women
3. Elected officials exercise supreme power in the government
Selected the correct answer using the codes below
a) Only 1
b) 1 and 2
c) 1,2 and 3
d) 2 and 3
6. The right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights enlisted in the constitution of India through which one of the following Amendments?
- 52nd constitution Amendment Act
- People Representation Act
- National Security Act
- Maintenance of internal security Act
7. The Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights enlisted in the constitution of India through which one of the following Amendments?
- 23rd
- 44th
- 73rd
- 76th
8. Which of the following constitution Amendment Act seeks that the size of the council of Ministers at the center and in a state must not exceed 15%of the total numbers of the legislative Assemblies of that state, respectively?
- 91st
- 93rd
- 95th
- 97th
9. The constitution (93rd Amendment)Act deals with
- Local self government
- Extension of reservation in educational institution
- Basic structure of the constitution of India
- Appointment of judges in the Supreme Court of India
10.Which of the following is not true about the Anti-Defection bill?
- An MP or an MLA will be disqualified if he has voluntary given in the membership of the party to which he belonged
- In the ever if a member is absence from voting in the house on a particular issue the MP or MLA will be disqualified
- A member shall not be disqualified if there is a merger of political parties
- The speaker of the Lok sabha will not be disqualified if he becomes a member of another political party lateron
1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D