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Constitutional Bodies

Constitutional Bodies

  1. The members of the UPSC can be removed from their office their tenure by
    1. The president on the report of the Supreme Court of India
    2. The President
    3. The Parliament
    4. The president on the report of the parliament
  2. Which of the following has the powers to create a new All –India Services?
    1. Parliament
    2. Union Public Service commission
    3. Union Cabinet
    4. Ministry of Personal, Public grievance and Pensions
  3. Consider the following Statements:
    1. The number of the member of Union Public Service Commission is determined by the president of India
    2. The union public Service commission was constituted under the provisions in the constitution of India

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. Only 1
  2. Only 2
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 Nor 2
  1. A member of public service commission can be removed from his/her office under which Article of the Constitution?
    1. Article 315
    2. Article 316
    3. Article 316
    4. Article 318
  2. Areawise, which one of the following is the largest Lok Sabha Constituency?
    1. Kutch
    2. Kangra
    3. Laddakh
    4. Patna Sahib
  3. The first general election in India on the basis of adult Suffrage was held during the year
    1. 1974-48
    2. 1949-50
    3. 1951-52
    4. 1953-54
  4. Who accords recognition various political parties in India as National or Regional Parties?
    1. The parliament
    2. The president
    3. The election commission
    4. The supreme Court
  5. In India, the Chief Election Commissioner can be removed from his office in the same Manner and on the same grounds as
    1. A judge of the supreme Court
    2. The chief Justice of a high court
    3. The Comptroller and auditor General
    4. The Attorney general of India
  6. The function of the election commission of India are
    1. To conduct all the elections to parliament and to State Legislature.
    2. To conduct election to the office of the president and the vice president.
    3. To recommended imposition of presidents rule in a state where conditions are not conductive to holding of free and fair elections.
    4. The superintendence, direction and control of preparation of Electoral rolls
  7. Which one of the following functions is not related to the Election Commission?
    1. Direction and control of the preparation of the election rolls
    2. Conduct of all elections to the parliament and legislature of every States
    3. To conduct the election of the offices of president and vice president
    4. To make provision with respect to elections to legislature
  8. The thirteenth Finance Commission is headed by
    1. Vijay Kelkar
    2. C Rangaranjan
    3. C. Neogi
    4. KC Pant
  9. Which of the following are constituted by the president
    1. The finance commission
    2. The planning commission
    3. The commission on Official Language
    4. The union public services commission

Chose the right answer from the option given below

  1. 1 & 2
  2. 3 & 4
  3. 1,3 & 4
  4. 2, 3 & 4
  1. A Delimitation commission has been constituted in 2002 by the
    1. President of India
    2. Parliament
    3. Ministry of law and justice
    4. Election Commission of India
  2. Which one of the following constitutional amendments has frozen the delimitation of territorial constituencies for the Lok Sabha and assemblies till 2026?
    1. 42nd constitutional Amendment  Act
    2. 84th constitutional Amendment  Act
    3. 86th constitutional Amendment  Act
    4. 87th constitutional Amendment  Act
  3. Which one of the following takes cognizance of the corruption charges against the civil servants of the central Government?
    1. Anti –Corruption Bureau
    2. Central Bureau of investigation
    3. Central vigilance Commission
    4. Central Administrative Tribunal


  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. D
  15. C


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