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Current Affairs MCQs of 11th august 2021

Q.1 Which day of the year has been declared as the Javelin Throw Day by the Athletics Federation of India?

a. August 07

b. August 06

c. August 08

d. August 09

Q.2 The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) was launched by which ministry?

a. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

b. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

c. Ministry of Rural Development

d. Ministry of Social Justice

Q.3 Who got nominated for another term of 3 years as Chairperson of the NCW?

a. Rekha Sharma

b. Muskaan Bhutani

c. Astha Jatana

d. Neha Sejwal

Q.4 Who is the First woman pilot of India?

a. Seema Deswal

b. Sarla Thukral

c. Gehna Vashist

d. Astha Mathur

Q.5 The first Hydrogen Fuel Cell-based train will run in which state?

a. Haryana

b. Bihar

c. Punjab

d. Uttarakhand

Q.6 Who has been given a one-year extension by the government as Cabinet Secretary?

a. Rajeev Topno

b. Amit Khare

c. Rajiv Gauba

d. Rajiv Mehrishi

Q.7 Where did the bilateral exercise ‘Zayed Talwar 2021’ between Indian Navy and UAE Navy took place?

a. Kerala

b. Abu Dhabi

c. Dubai

d. West Bengal

Q.8 Hichem Mechichi, Prime Minister of which country was sacked by its president?

a. Tunisia

b. Morocco

c. Turkey

d. Algeria

Q.9 When is World Lion Day observed?

a. August 11

b. August 10

c. August 10

d. August 6

Q.10 Who has authored her debut novel named ‘A Death In Sonagachi’?

a. Kumari Rani

b. Rijula Das

c. Renuka Kamra

d. Vidisha Rana

Answers – 

Q.1 a) The Athletics Federation of India (AFI) has decided to name August 7 as ‘Javelin Throw Day’ in India to honour Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who won India’s first Olympic gold medal in athletics at Tokyo.

Q.2 c) The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India launched the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) by restructuring Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY).

Q.3 a) The Chairperson of the National Commission for Women, Smt. Rekha Sharma got Nominated for another term of 3 years.

Q.4 b) Google honoured India’s first woman pilot Sarla Thukral on her 107th birthday with a dedicated Google Doodle.

Q.5 a) 

Q.6 c) 

Q.7 b) Indian Navy undertook bilateral exercise ‘Zayed Talwar 2021’ with UAE Navy off the coast of Abu Dhabi. INS Kochi, with two integral Sea King MK 42B helicopters, deployed in the Persian Gulf, participated in the exercise.

Q.8 a) Tunisia’s president said he was dismissing the Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and freezing parliament in a major escalation of political feuding in the democratic country following protests in several cities.

Q.9 c) World Lion Day is celebrated annually throughout the world on August 10 as a day to commemorate the ‘king of the jungle’ and raise awareness about the need for its conservation.

Q.10 b) 

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Current Affairs MCQs of 11th august 2021

Q.1 Which day of the year has been declared as the Javelin Throw Day by the Athletics Federation of India?

a. August 07

b. August 06

c. August 08

d. August 09

Q.2 The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) was launched by which ministry?

a. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

b. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

c. Ministry of Rural Development

d. Ministry of Social Justice

Q.3 Who got nominated for another term of 3 years as Chairperson of the NCW?

a. Rekha Sharma

b. Muskaan Bhutani

c. Astha Jatana

d. Neha Sejwal

Q.4 Who is the First woman pilot of India?

a. Seema Deswal

b. Sarla Thukral

c. Gehna Vashist

d. Astha Mathur

Q.5 The first Hydrogen Fuel Cell-based train will run in which state?

a. Haryana

b. Bihar

c. Punjab

d. Uttarakhand

Q.6 Who has been given a one-year extension by the government as Cabinet Secretary?

a. Rajeev Topno

b. Amit Khare

c. Rajiv Gauba

d. Rajiv Mehrishi

Q.7 Where did the bilateral exercise ‘Zayed Talwar 2021’ between Indian Navy and UAE Navy took place?

a. Kerala

b. Abu Dhabi

c. Dubai

d. West Bengal

Q.8 Hichem Mechichi, Prime Minister of which country was sacked by its president?

a. Tunisia

b. Morocco

c. Turkey

d. Algeria

Q.9 When is World Lion Day observed?

a. August 11

b. August 10

c. August 10

d. August 6

Q.10 Who has authored her debut novel named ‘A Death In Sonagachi’?

a. Kumari Rani

b. Rijula Das

c. Renuka Kamra

d. Vidisha Rana

Answers – 

Q.1 a) The Athletics Federation of India (AFI) has decided to name August 7 as ‘Javelin Throw Day’ in India to honour Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who won India’s first Olympic gold medal in athletics at Tokyo.

Q.2 c) The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India launched the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) by restructuring Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY).

Q.3 a) The Chairperson of the National Commission for Women, Smt. Rekha Sharma got Nominated for another term of 3 years.

Q.4 b) Google honoured India’s first woman pilot Sarla Thukral on her 107th birthday with a dedicated Google Doodle.

Q.5 a) 

Q.6 c) 

Q.7 b) Indian Navy undertook bilateral exercise ‘Zayed Talwar 2021’ with UAE Navy off the coast of Abu Dhabi. INS Kochi, with two integral Sea King MK 42B helicopters, deployed in the Persian Gulf, participated in the exercise.

Q.8 a) Tunisia’s president said he was dismissing the Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi and freezing parliament in a major escalation of political feuding in the democratic country following protests in several cities.

Q.9 c) World Lion Day is celebrated annually throughout the world on August 10 as a day to commemorate the ‘king of the jungle’ and raise awareness about the need for its conservation.

Q.10 b) 

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