gQ.1 What is the rank of India in the World Press Freedom Index 2021?
a. 139
b. 142
c. 127
d. 151
Q.2 The SpO2 (Blood Oxygen Saturation) supplemental Oxygen Delivery System has recently been launched for Indian Soldiers and Covid patients. The system has been developed by which institution?
b. AIIMS Delhi
c. IIT Delhi
Q.3 Which day in India is observed as the ‘Civil Services Day’?
a. 18 April
b. 20 April
c. 19 April
d. 21 April
Q.4 Which country has topped the World Press Freedom Index 2021?
a. Norway
b. Finland
c. Switzerland
d. Sweden
Q.5 Which country holds the UN Food Systems Summit Dialogue 2021?
a. USA
b. France
c. China
d. India
Q.6 Which became the first country in the world, where orders have been given not to wear masks?
a. Iran
b. Israel
c. Britain
d. USA
Q.7 Who became the new chairman of UPSC Public Service Commission?
a. GP Samant
b. Subodh Kumar Jesswal
c. NV Raman
d. Sanjay Srineet
Q.8 India signed an agreement with which country on ‘Cities combating plastic entering the marine environment’?
a. UK
b. USA
c. Germany
d. Israel
Q.9 Which ministry launched the Gender Samvaad Event recently?
a. Ministry of Defence
b. Ministry of Family and Health Welfare
c. Ministry of Rural Development
d. Ministry of Tourism
Q.10 Which space agency has made history with successful flight on Planet Mars?
d. ESA
Q.1 b) India has been placed at 142nd position among 180 countries in the latest World Press Freedom Index 2021, released on April 20, 2021. India was at 142nd position in 2020 as well.
Q.2 d) The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed a unique system, called “SpO2 – Based Oxygen Saturation supplemental Oxygen Delivery System”.The automatic system has been launched for the Indian Army soldiers fighting in the Extreme High Altitudes Areas as well as moderate COVID-19 patients. The SpO2 has been developed by the Defence Bioengineering and ElectroMedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bengaluru of DRDO.
Q.3 d) In India, the ‘Civil Services Day’ is celebrated on April 21 every year. The day April 21 has been chosen to commemorate the day when the first Home Minister of Independent India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel addressed the probationers of Administrative Services Officers in 1947 at Metcalf House, Delhi.In his address, he called Civil Servants, the ‘Steel Frame of India’.
Q.4 a)
Q.5 d) The United Nations Secretary General has called for the first ever UN Food Systems Summit to be held in September 2021 to strategize the actions for positive change in Agri-food systems in the World to realize the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Q.6 b)
Q.7 d)
Q.8 c) In line with the objective of Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban, India and Germany signed an agreement on technical cooperation titled ‘Cities Combating Plastic Entering the Marine Environment’ at a virtual ceremony in New Delhi.
Q.9 c) The Ministry of Rural Development recently launched the Gender Samvaad Event. It is a joint initiative between DAY-NRLM and IWWAGE.
Q.10 a) NASA’s Mars helicopter makes history with successful flight on the Red Planet.