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Current Affairs MCQs of 26th April 2021

Q.1 The ‘VARUNA-2021’ is the 19th edition of the bilateral navy exercise conducted between the Indian Navy with the navies of which country?
a. France
b. Russia
c. Singapore
d. Sri Lanka
Q.2 Which day of the year is commemorated as the World Malaria Day (WMD)?
a. 23 April
b. 24 April
c. 25 April
d. 26 April
Q.3 The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021 was held in which country?
a. China
b. Thailand
c. Indonesia
d. Bhutan
Q.4 When is National Panchayati Raj Day observed?
a. April 21
b. April 23
c. April 22
d. April 24
Q.5 Teenager Arjun Kalyan became India’s 68thChess Grandmaster. He hails from which state?
a. TamilNadu
b. Kerala
c. Karnataka
d. Telangana
Q.6 Who has been awarded the prestigious ‘Nelson Mandela World Humanitarian Award 2021’ by the Diplomatic Mission Global Peace?
a. Radhika M Nair
b. Rumana Sinha Sehgal
c. Shobhita Negi
d. Akanksha Chaturvedi
Q.7 Who is the author of the book “Climate Change Explained-For one and all”?
a. OV Vijayan
b. Haresh S
c. Aakash Ranison
d. Subhash Chandan
Q.8 Recently which sitting Supreme Court Judge passed away in Gurugram?
a. Haresh Salve
b. NV Ramana
c. S Bobde
d. Mohan M Shantanagoudar
Q.9 Consider the following statements regarding the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
1.UNCLOS is a UN specialised agency that defines the rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to their use of the world’s oceans and the management of marine natural resources.
2.The International Seabed Authority (ISA) and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) were established by the UNCLOS.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
Q.10 PM Narendra Modi launched a scheme for distribution of e-property cards to rural population across the country on April 24, 2021. Name the scheme?
a. Kaushal
b. Adarsh Gram
c. Samridhi
d. Svamitva
Answers –
Q.1 a) The Indian and French Navy bilateral exercise ‘VARUNA-2021’ will be conducted in the Arabian Sea from 25 to 27 April 2021
Q.2 c)
Q.3 a) The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021 was held in Boao, south China’s Hainan Province.
Q.4 d) National Panchayati Raj Day is celebrated on April 24 every year in India.
Q.5 a)
Q.6 b) Software-engineer turned social entrepreneur, Rumana Sinha Sehgal has been awarded the prestigious ‘Nelson Mandela World Humanitarian Award 2021’ by the Diplomatic Mission Global Peace.
Q.7 c)
Q.8 d)
Q.9 b)
Q.10 d) Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the distribution of e-property cards under the SWAMITVA scheme on National Panchayati Raj Day on April 24, 2021 through video conferencing. The launch marked the roll out of the implementation of the SVAMITVA scheme across the entire country.

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