- National Disaster Management Authority was set up under Disaster Management Act, 2005 under the Chairmanship of ?
(1) Home Minister
(2) Finance Minister
(3) Transport Minister
(4) Prime Minister
- 11-3-2012 marked one year since an earthquake and tsunami killed thousands of people in ?
(1) Mexico
(2) Thailandnd preparedness
(3) Indonesia
(4) Japan
- Which is the flagship programme of the Minister of Agriculture which includes Disaster Risk Reduction ?
(1) Rajiv Awaas Yojana
(2) National Drinking water Mission
(3) Rashtriya Gram Sadak Yojana
(4) Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
- We can greatly reduce the impact of disaster by ?
(1) Better plannin
(2) Better preparedness and awareness
(3) Better mitigation measures
(4) All the above
- How many of the 35 total States/Union Territories in India are disaster prone ?
(1) 22
(2) 23
(3) 24
(4) 25
- Human lives lost during 1980-2010 due to Natural and Induced Hazards in India ?
(1) 1,21,162
(2) 1,22,413
(3) 1,25,039
(4) 1,43,039
- Disaster Management include ?
(1) Rehabilitation
(2) Reconstruction
(3) Mitigation
(4) All the above
- A High Powered Committee on Disaster Management in August 1999 identified disasters 5 sub-groups of disasters. These include ?
(1) Geologically related disasters
(2) Biologically related disasters
(3) Water and climate related disasters
(4) All the above
- Website of SAARC Disaster Management Centre ?
(1) Sdmc.nic.in
(2) Saarc.sdmc.in
(3) Saarc.nic.in
(4) Saarc.sdmc.nic.in
- By which, means flood warning information is disseminated ?
(1) All India Radio
(2) Doordershan
(3) Mobile Phones
(4) All the above
1) 4
2) 3
3) 4
4) 4
5) 4
6) 4
7) 4
8) 4
9) 4
10) 4