1. Which of the following steps is necessary for Disaster Risk Reduction ?
(1) Strengthening early warning system
(2) Increasing awareness and preparedness
(3) Better rehabilitation and reconstruction
(4) All the above
2. We can greatly reduce the impact of disasters by ?
(1) Better planning
(2) Better preparedness and awareness
(3) Bettwer mitigation measures
(4) All the above
3. National Civil Defence College is at ?
(1) Nagpur
(2) Hyderabad
(3) Mumbai
(4) Cochin
4. International Tsunami Information Centre is at ?
(1) Goa
(2) Jakarta
(3) Honolulu
(4) Puducherry
5. The phrase Weapons of Mass Destruction entered widespread usage in ?
(1) 2001
(2) 2002
(3) 2003
(4) 2004
6. Landslides occur because of ?
(1) Intensity of rainfall
(2) Steep slopes
(3) Deforestration leading to soil erosion
(4) All the above
7. The theme of the first National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in India is ?
(1) Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Development : From Risk to Resilience
(2) Prevention of Disasters on East Coast
(3) Occurences and Prevention of Disasters in India
(4) Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Mitigation : Need for National Perspective
8. Which university is February 2012 organised International Seminar on population, Development and Disaster Management ?
(1) Tripura University
(2) Himachal Pradesh University
(3) Cochin University
(4) Goa University
9. The unpleasant impact of cyclones is ?
(1) Infrastructure damage
(2) Telecommunication loss
(3) Power disruption
(4) All the above
10. National Policy on Desaster Managamant was approved by Union Cabinet in ?
(1) 2007
(2) 2008
(3) 2009
(4) 2010
1) d
2) d
3) a
4) c
5) c
6) d
7) a
8) a
9) d
10) c