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Disaster Management: Set – 7

  1. Disaster, the term, is derived from the language ?

(1) Arabic

 (2) Latin

(3) Greek

(4) French

  1. ‘Tsunami’ the word, is derived from the language ?

(1) Greek

(2) Chinese

(3) French

(4) Japanese


  1. Strong Earthquakes recorded since 2000 include ?

(1) 26-12-2004 (Indonesia)

(2) 25-3-2005 (Indonesia)

(3) 11-3-2011 (Japan)

(4) All the above


  1. Disaster Management activities may be conducted ?

(1) Before disaster

(2) After disaster

(3) During disaster

(4) All the above


  1. Tsunamis are waves generated by ?

(1) Earthquakes

(2) Underwater landslides

(3) Volcanic eruptions

(4) All the above


  1. Which organisation proclaimed the 1990s as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction ?

(1) United Nations General Assembly

(2) Asian Development Bank

(3) World Bank



  1. During 1980 – 2010, number of people affected by natural disasters in India were ?

(1) 1,521,726,127

(2) 1,121,726,127

(3) 1,321,726,127

(4) 1,224,726,127

  1. A disaster is an event which results in ?

(1) Loss of human life

(2) Loss of property

(3) Loss of livelihood

(4) All the above

  1. UN Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) is responsible for solving the problems resulting from disasters occuring in ?

(1) Asia

(2) Africa

(3) North America

(4) All countries in the world

  1. Richter Scale is used for measuring ?


(1) Density of liquids

(2) Intensity of earthquakes

(3) Depth of mines

(4) Speed of aeroplane


1) 4

2) 4

3) 4

4) 4

5) 4

6) 1

7) 1

8) 4

9) 4

10) 2


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