- In world disasters, what percent is accounted for by Earthquakes and Tsunamis ?
(1) 5%
(2) 6%
(3) 7%
(4) 8%
- World Conference on Disaster Management was held in 2005 in ?
(1) Chile
(2) Thailand
(3) Korea
(4) Japan
- Components of Disaster Management ?
(1) Preparedness
(2) Response
(3) Mitigation
(4) All the above
- Which of th following is a natural hazard ?
(1) Drought
(2) War
(3) Terrorism
(4) Civil war
- “Tsunami” is a ?
(1) Greeak word
(2) Chinese word
(3) French word
(4) Japanese word
- Tsunami waves are generated beacuse of ?
(1) Under sea earthquakes
(2) Volcanic eruptions
(3) Landslides
(4) All the above
- Bureau of Indian Standards classified earthquake prone areas into how many zones ?
(1) 5
(2) 6
(3) 7
(4) 8
- Which country was shaken up by a massive earthquake triggering a tsunami alert in 28 countries across the east coast on 11th April 2012 ?
(1) Brunei
(2) Malaysia
(3) Indonesia
(4) Philippines
- In India, how many peoples are exposed to recurring floods every year ?
(1) 325 Million
(2) 150 Million
(3) 200 Million
(4) 250 Million
- How many African countries have joined to launch a research centre to work on combating climate change in the region ?
(1) 4
(2) 5
(3) 6
(4) 7
Answers :
1) d
2) d
3) d
4) a
5) d
6) d
7) a
8) c
9) c
10) b