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Indian National Movement

Q.1 Non-violence as taught and practiced by Mahatma Gandhi is rooted in the India Doctrine of





Q.2 The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi in





Q.3 Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influenced by the writing of

a.Bernard Shaw

b.Karl Marx


d.Leo Tolstoy

Q.4  Which of the following newspapers were brought out by Annie Besant?

1.New India

2.Common Weal

3.Young India


a.1 and 2

b.only 4

c.None of these

d.All of these

Q.5 In 1923, Swaraj Party gained absolute Majority in

a.Central Province council

b.Bengal council

c.UP council

d.None of these

Q.6 The first venture of Gandhi in All India Politics was the

a.Non-Cooperation Movement

b.Rowlatt Satyagraha

c.Champaran Movment

d.Dandi March

Q.7 Gandhi ji’s call for breaking salt Laws was in response to the

a.Non-Cooperation Movement

b.Civil Disobedience Movement

c.Khilafat Movement

d.Quit India Movement

Q.8 The Sarabandi (no tax) Campaign of 1922 was led by

a.Bhagat Singh

b.Chittaranjan Das


d.Vallabhbhai Patel

Q.9 Who among the following drafted the resolution on Fundamental Rights for the Karachi Session of Congress in 1931?

a.Dr BR Ambedkar

b.Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

c.Dr Rajendra Prasad

d.Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Q.10 Which India Nationalist leader was known as Diamond of India?

a.BG Tilak

b.Mahatma Gandhi

c.Gopal Krishna Gokhle

d.Subhash Chandra Bos

Q.11 With reference to India freedom struggle which one of the following events occurred  earlist?

aSwadeshi movement

b.Shifting of imperial capital form Calcutta to Delhi

c.Lucknow Pact

d.Khilafat Movement

Q.12 Who presided over the Cabinet Mission?

a.Clement Attlee

b.Sir P Lawrence

c.Strafford Cripps

d.AV Alexander

Q.13 Who was the founder  of All Indian  Harijan Sangha in 1932?

a.MK Gandhi

b.BR Ambedkar

c.Jagjivan Ram

d.Vinoba Bhave

Q.14Which of the following aroused a wave of popular indignation that led to the massacre by the British at Jallianwala Bagh?

a.The Arms Act

b.The Public Safety Act

c.The Rowlatt Act

d.The Vernacular Press Act

Q.15 The Non-cooperation Movement was adopted by the Congress at a special session held at in September 1920





Q.16 The leader of the Bordoli Satyagaraha(1928)was

a.Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

b.Mahatma Gandhi

c.Vallabhbai J Patel

d.Mahadev Desai

Q.17 Due to the leadership and success in which one of the following did Vallabhbhai Patel get the title of ‘Sardar’?

a.Kheda Satyagraha

b.Non- Cooperation movement

c.Bardoli Satyagraha

d.Civil Disobedience Movement

Q.18 While delivering the presidential address, the Congress President who advocated the  introduction of Roman script for Hindi language was

a.Mahatma Gandhi

b.Jawaharlal Nehru

c.Abul Kalam Azad

d.Subhash Chandra Bose

Q.19 Who among the following Urdu poets was invited to the Second and Third Round Table Conference?

a.Faiz Ahmed Faiz

b.Josh Malihabadi

c.Muhammad Iqbal

d.Firaq Gorkhpuri

Q.20 Sarvodaya Stands for

a.Total revolution

b.Upliftment of all

c.non- cooperation

d.non- violence

Q.21 Who among the following were members of the Swaraj Party

1.Motilal Nehru

2.Sardar Patel

3.Gopal Krishna Gokhle

a.Only 1

b.1 and 2

c.2 and 3

d.1,2 and ,3

Q.22 Who among the following was regarded by Mahatma Gandhi as his ‘Political Guru’?

a.Dadabhai Naoroji

b.Bal Gangadhar Tilak

c.Feroz Shah Mehta

d.Gopal Krishan Gokhle

Q.23 The Rani Jhansi Regiment ,the women’s regiment of Azad Hind Fauj,was under whose command?

a.Usha Mehta

b.Anne Marcarence

c.Annie Besant

d.Lakshmi Sahgal

Q.24 Jai Prakash Narayan belonged to Which party?


b.Kisan Sabha



Q.25 Who of the Following Shot dead General Dyer Responsible for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?


b.Bhagat Singh

c.Madan Lal Dhingra

d.Udham Singh

Q.26 Who is known as ‘Lok Nayak’?

a.Mahatma Gandhi

b.Subhash Chandra Bose

c.Jai Prakash Narayan

d.Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Q.27 The Poona Pact aimed

a.At Hindu-Muslim Unity represent to lower cast privileges to princes review the Dyarchy

Q.28 The second Round Table Conference at London was held in the backdrop of the

a.Emerson –Gandhi Pact

b.Hailey- Gandhi Pact

c.Gandhi-Irwin Pact

d.Gandhi –Simon Pact

Q.29 Which Congress President negotiated with both Cripps Mission and Lord Wavell?

a.Abdul Kalam Azad

b.Jawahar Lal Nehru

c.JB Kripalani

d.C Rajagopalachari

Q.30 How many seats were given to depressed classes under Communal Award and Poona Pact ?

a.74 and 79 respectively

b.71 and 147 respectively

c.78 and 80 respectively

d.78 and 69 respectively

Q.31 Who played an important role in singing of Gandhi-Irwin Pact ?

a.Moti Lal Nehru

b.Madan Mohan Malviya

c.Tej Bahadur Sapru


Q.32 With which of the following movement was Gandhiji  not associated?

a.Khilafat Movement

b.Individual Satyagraha Movement

c.Quit India Movement

d.Swadeshi Movement

Q.33 Dyarchy was first introduced in India under

a.Government of India Act,1935

b.Morley-Minto Reforms

c.Mont-Ford Reforms

d.Simon Commission Plan

Q.34 Gandhiji took up Dandi March as a Civil Disobedience Movement on

a.31st December,1929

b.26th January,1930

c.12th March,1930s

d.6th April,1930

Q.35 Who wrote ‘Unhappy India’?

a.Bal Gangadhar Tilak

b.Lala Lajpat Rai

c.Surendranath Banerjee

d.Dadabhai Naoroji

Q.36 Who among the following was not a signatory to the historic Poona Pact of 1932?

a.BR Ambedkar

b.Madan Mohan Malviya

c.C Rajagopalachari

d.MK Gandhi

Q.37 Who was known as the Frontier Gandhi (Simanta Gandhi)

a.Abdul Gaffar khan

b.Mahatma Gandhi

c.Shaukat Ali

d.a.ohammad Ali Jinnah

Q.38 Who was called the ‘Iron Man Of India’?

a.Sardar Ballabhbhai Patel

b.Surendranath Bannerjee

c.Bipin Chandra Pal

d.Lala Lajpat Rai

Q.39Who was the President of the India National Congress in 1907?

a.Dadabhai Naoroji

b.CR Das

c.Ras Bihari Ghosh

d.None of the above

Q.40 Who founded All India Harijan Sangh?

a.BR Ambedkar

b.Mahatma Gandhi

c.Jai Prakash Narayan

d.Raj Narayan



Q.1 d) Q.2 b) Q.3 d) Q.4 a) Q.5 a) Q.6 b) Q.7 b) Q.8 d) Q.9 b) Q.10c)

Q.11 a)  Q.12 b)  Q.13 a)  Q.14 c)  Q.15 b) Q.16 a)  Q.17 c)  Q.18 d)  Q.19 c)  Q.20 b)       

Q.21 d)  Q.22 d)  Q.23 d)  Q.24 c)  Q.25 d)  Q.26 c) Q.27 b)  Q.28 c)  Q.29 a) Q.30 b)

Q.31 b)  Q.32 d)  Q.33 c)  Q.34 c)  Q.35 a)  Q36 c)  Q.37 a)  Q.38 a)  Q.39 c)  Q.40 b)

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