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Perspective – Afghanistan: The Road Ahead

In this episode of the Perspective Prog. based on Afghanistan: The Road Ahead. Third meeting of the Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan took place earlier this week with the participation of special representatives from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and a high-level delegation of the interim Afghan government led by Taliban. The Afghan interim govt delegation led by its deputy Prime Minister urged the international community to recognise the regime in Kabul. However the joint statement issued after the meet called for maintaining contacts with the Taliban regime and asked it to form a truly inclusive government and respect rights of women and various ethnic groups besides preventing Afghan territory from being used against neighbours. India has already said that it was closely following the developments in Afghanistan and underscored the importance of the Taliban regime meeting the expectations of the international community as elaborated in a UN Security Council resolution. Earlier this month Prime Minister Modi while addressing the G20 Extraordinary Summit on Afghanistan had also stressed on the need for ensuring Afghanistan under the Taliban’s rule did not become a source of radicalisation and terrorism.

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