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Poverty, Unemployment and Rural Development Programmes

1.How does the National Rural Livelihood Mission seek to improve livelihood options of rural poor?

1) By setting up a large number of new manufacturing industries and agribusiness centers in rural areas.

2) By strengthening ‘self-help groups’ and providing skill development.

3) By supplying seeds, fertilizers, diesel pump-sets and micro-irrigation equipments free of cost to farmers.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

a) 1,2and 3

b) 1and 2

c) 2and 3

d) Only 2

2.The multi-dimensional Poverty Index developed by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative with UNDP support covers which of the following?

1) Deprivation of education, health, assets and services at household level.

2) Purchasing Power Parity at national level.

3) Extent of budget deficit and GDP growth rate at national level.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below

a) 1,2and 3

b) 2and 3

c) Only 2

d) Only 1

3) Among the following who are eligible to benefit from MNREGA?

a) Adult members of only SC and ST households.

b) Adult members of BPL households.

c) Adult members of households of all backward communities.

d) Adult members of any households.

4.Consider the following

1) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana

2) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

3)  Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana

4) Indira Awas Yojana

Select the correct chronological order of the above Yojanas?

a) 2-3-4-1

b) 4-1-2-3

c) 1-2-3-4

d) 4-3-1-2

5) Which one of the following statement is not correct?

a) Under the targeted public distribution system, the family below poverty line are provided 50 kilograms of food grains per month per family at subsidized price.

b) Under Annapurna Scheme, indigent senior citizens of 65 years of age or above are eligible for National Old Age Pension but not getting Pension can get 10Kg of food grains per person per month free of cost.

c) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has scheme in which indigent people living in welfare institution like orphanages are given 15Kg of food grains per person per month at BPL rates.

d) Ministry of Human Resource Development gives financial support to Mid- day Meal Scheme for the benefit of class I to V students in government or government aided schools.

6. In India, increase in population and diversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes have resulted in the decrease of

a) forested land

b) cultivable land

c) net sown area

d) double cropped area

7. Main objectives of Antyodaya programme is to

a) Uplift the urban slum dwellers

b) uplift the farmer

c) uplift the landless labour

d) uplift the poor

8. Structural unemployment arises due to

a) deflationary condition

b) heavy industry bias

c) shortage of raw materials

d) inadequate productive capacity

9. Disguised unemployment refers to

a) employment of more persons in a job which lesser number of person can accomplish

b) persons with no job

c) unemployment among housewives

d) unemployment among people above 60 years of age

10. The standard of living in a country is represented by its

a) Poverty Ratio

b) Per capita income

c) National income

d) Unemployment rate



1.(d),  2. (d),  3. (d),  4. (b),  5. (a),  6. (c),  7. (d),  8. (b),  9. (a),  10. (b)



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