- Explain types of drainage system in Himalayas. Write down characteristics of the Himalayas Rivers (400 words)
Ans:The world youngest fold mountain, Himalayas is the lifeline of northern India. Snowfed mountain ranges of the lofty mountain shed their water throughout the year to northern region. Freezing Tibetan platuee in homeland of Himalayan drainage system drained out to the Arabian Sea & the Bay of Bengal.
On the basis of relief factor, Indus, Ganga & Brahmaputra are the three river system of the Himalayan drainage.
INDUS:- it originates in Tibetan platue near mansarower lake and its tributaries fed their water from western & trans Himalayas . Passing through uneven landforms, they form varying figures from mountains to plains. They eroded sediments to the northern plains and lays down alluvial soil to north and North Western region.
GANGA RIVER SYSTEM:- Snowfed streams of Bhagirathi & Alaknanda drained out to the Bay of Bengal flowing Uttarakhand, U.P, Bihar & west Bengal states of India and forming fertile alluvial plains . Left and right bank tributaries of the sacred river of India tribute their water to the main drainage and become economic backbone of the country.
Brahmaputra:- originating as a Tsangpo river in freezing Tibetan platue, it forms a eastern boundary of the motherland. Flowing through very heavy rainfall area, it fetches huge water volume & causees floods in north-eastern region’
On the basis of origins drainage & water volume, Himalayan Rivers, they are distinct and have unique characteristics.
- They originate and through snowfed regions. They are perennial.
- They flow through high lofty mountains to the plains. On this journey they form distinct physical features.
- Eroding nature of Himalayan rivers, they transported & Deposit alluvial soil and thus become feeder of the nation.
- They have potential of hydropower generation because these river are young, abundant water & sharp in flow.
- They are antecedent in origin.
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