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Sample Answer writing Paper GS-1 & Indian History (optional)- paper 2

Topic :-Indian National Movement

Q.Critically discuss the role of Mahatma Gandhi in National movement from 1915 to the withdrawal of the Non – Cooperation movement (HAS – 2016 )

Ans- After arrival from south Africa to India, Mahatma Gandhi became a light house to the Indian national movement through his innovative ideas and tactics, which he adopted against the British rule.His role can be defined as follows:-

1) Introduction of ‘Satyagragh’ gave impetus to National movement:-

His innovative concept of ‘Satyagragh’ gave new energy and valour  to the national movement against mighty colonial rule. He applied his ideas of passive resistance (Satyagragh) through regional peasant and labour movements. Champaran , Khera became labotery of his experiments, in which he succeed in his objectives by reliefing the peasant sufferings. Apart  from these  peasant Satyagragh, in Ahmadabad mill strike, he also used fasting along with Satyagragh for easing the crisis of the textile labourers. These initial experiments gave Congress and Mahatma Gandhi new tested ideas against British mal administration. Beside, Mahatma Gandhi gained Immense popularity and public support, by which he could gain confidence for bigger role and scope in national movement.

2) Feud beteen INC and Muslim league  melt down:-

In Lucknow conference of Congress, Gandhi alongwith some other mates became bridge between INC and Muslim league unity. Feud between both parties melt down and agreed for common national agenda. It was the biggest victory for Gandhi because upholding India’s interest/ national unity was important. It was the first pan- india movement, in which every kith and Kin participated. Swaraj attainment was the national agenda, which could be attained by non- violent / non – cooperating the government. However, this movement couldn’t succeed its objectives but it shattered the British rule and Indian masses could gained confidence that almighty colonial power can be challenged.

3) By supporting Khilafat Movement national unity emerged :-

Mahatma Gandhi supported muslim cause of khilafat in 1919. He also persuaded the INC to support Indian Muslim on this issue. Mahatma Gandhi Became the president of all India Khilafat Committee in November  1919 first time after formation of muslim league, both community shared common sentiments against British misdeed in turkey. Through this move, Gandhi became national leader.

4) 1st serious united efforts to dismantle British rule:-

After disappointment of ‘1919 Act’, jaliawala Bag tragedy and khilafat issue, Mahatma Gandhi  came to center stage of national issues under his leadership, congress party started non-coopration movement to secure Indian cause from the cruel britishers.

However, something constructive couldn’t achieve through after withdrawal of non – corporation movement but national unity, nationalism, patriotism were the key achievements, which we could use in further struggle against Britishers.
Mahatma Gandhi made congress party a mass movement and organised struggle against the Britishers.


Note this is exclusive sample answer of our panel.



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